Butter Bar
We have 2 different butter bars available, a Mocha butter Bar and Lavender Butter Bar.
The Lavender Butter Bar is an intense moisturizing bar that is great for your skin as we go into the colder weather.
The Mocha butter bar is pulling double duty by both exfoliating and moisturizing while you are in the shower. The ground almonds, rice and coffee act as the perfect exfoliants while all the rich butters leave your skin feeling nourished and smooth.
Some like to use it at the start of a shower and others prefer it at the end. Play around with it and see what you like best.
We have 2 different butter bars available, a Mocha butter Bar and Lavender Butter Bar.
The Lavender Butter Bar is an intense moisturizing bar that is great for your skin as we go into the colder weather.
The Mocha butter bar is pulling double duty by both exfoliating and moisturizing while you are in the shower. The ground almonds, rice and coffee act as the perfect exfoliants while all the rich butters leave your skin feeling nourished and smooth.
Some like to use it at the start of a shower and others prefer it at the end. Play around with it and see what you like best.
We have 2 different butter bars available, a Mocha butter Bar and Lavender Butter Bar.
The Lavender Butter Bar is an intense moisturizing bar that is great for your skin as we go into the colder weather.
The Mocha butter bar is pulling double duty by both exfoliating and moisturizing while you are in the shower. The ground almonds, rice and coffee act as the perfect exfoliants while all the rich butters leave your skin feeling nourished and smooth.
Some like to use it at the start of a shower and others prefer it at the end. Play around with it and see what you like best.
cocoa butter, shea butter, bees wax, ground almond, ground white rice, ground coffee, essential oils